Monday, February 2, 2009

nuthin but love

This weekend I painted Dominique Wilkins at Luv's Barber shop. Luv says that Dominique was his idol growing up and that not enough young cats today know who he is. He also thinks that his brother Gerald was nice. I have never really painted a mural before so I took a cue from a talent named Matt Luckhurst.

My boy George came by on day 1 and helped me fill it out. He was trying to keep his mouth shut when some guys were talking trash about D McNabb.


George Benjamin Conkin said...

DAMN! Really came out fresh, great lighting.

How you gonna hate on McNabb?

Blake said...


Blake said...

now do Barkley in my room

Andwew said...

“Nothing in art is created without effort, and the painter’s ideas don’t come to him on wings while he dreams, either. The one may be more talented than the other, of course; but without untiring diligence, single-mindedness and a combative spirit, there can’t be any good result. All this talk about ‘inspiration’ is nonsense.”

George Benjamin Conkin said...

that tv is about to get dunked on

stephen said...


J.D. Amato said...

the human highlight mural

hairy said...

that's right JD!!! that's what love said. thanks for all the positive feedback guyzzzz.

mattluckhurst said...

Yo man! You killed it and Dominique is sick. Great job. -Matt.